Anton > 22-10-2018, 04:46 PM
Quote:Nec mirum hoc de sanctuario et interioribus templi et altaris et thymiamatis credere, cuius etiam anchiton ligni genus vel ligno simile, quanto plus arserit tanto mundius inveniatur.
Quote:And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood...
Anton > 22-10-2018, 07:11 PM
Quote:And thou shalt make boards for the tabernacle of shittim wood standing up(26:15)
Quote:And thou shalt make bars of shittim wood...(26:26)
Anton > 22-10-2018, 10:05 PM
Quote:Qui enim verbo aut exemplo peccatores convertit, quasi dens Christi est, quo illius atteritur cibus. At veri servi Dei si transeunt per ignem & aquam, immo tanquam aurum puriores redduntur in fornace tribulationis. Ideo comparantur lignis sethin, ex quibus in exodo iussit deus fieri altare, illa enim ut dicit Lira, erant incremabilia, quod requirebatur, quia ignis semper erat in altari. Ideo Hieronymus ait, Altaris ligna, quae de lignis paradisi sunt, non cremantur igne vicino: sed puriora redduntur. Nec mirum hoc credere, cum etiam anchiton ligni genus vel ligno simile, quanto plus arserit, tanto mundius inveniatur. Haec Hieronymus: & habentur in glosa ordínaria. Et haec sat sit de ornamento pallii, dixísse obiter, cuius si anima non obliviscatur, utique nec Christi obliviscetur.
Quote:Elementum ignis poterat ornari sicut caetera elementa: & tamen non ornatur vel distinguitur in aliquo praedictorum dierum, ergo non sufficiunt illi septem dies. Probatur maior: quoniam multa sunt corpora mixta quae in igne conservari possunt, ut narrat Augustin, libro 1, de mirabilibus sacrae scripturae capit. 16 & Diu.Hieronym. super Ezechielem capit.41, esse naturam cuiusdam virgulti coloris linei, qualis (inquit Augustin) erat rubus, de quo dicitur Exodi capit. 3, quod dum arderet non comburebatur, imo quanto plus ardebat, purior erat. Hoc ipsum docent Beda, & glossa ordinaria Exodi 27 in illud; sùbter arulam, & Lyra in principio illius capitis. Et de huiusmodi lignis, quae, ex sententia Hieronymi putantur esse de lignis paradisi, censetur esse constructum altare holocausti, ne à vicino igne eius structura concremaretur. Imo dicunt esse aliud genus ligni, quod dicitur Anchiton: quod quidem quanto plus arserit, tanto mundius evadit. Quotidiana etiam experientia docet aurum igne non consumi, sed potius purificari. Salamandra etiam non solum ab igne non leditur, sed etiam ipsum extinguit, sicut docet Nazianzenus. Et Pierius libro 16. capit. de Salamandra titulo Amoris constantia, citat autores multos dicentes ésse in rerum natura bestiolam quandam paulò maioré grandi musca, quam alii Pyraslim, alii Pyraustam, alii Flamidem, alii Nitedulam, Graeci Lampridem vocaverunt: quæ in medio igne nata, per ignem salit & inambulat, quod in Cypro insula tradunt videri in fornacibus aeräriis, ubi Calchites lapis diebus pluribus concrematur. Et illud maxime admirandum, quod cum primum volatu paululum a flammis abscesserit, emoritur. Ergo cum huiusmodi animalia possint in igne vivere, & ipsum ornare: oportebat, ut dies peculiaris huic ornatui designaretur.
Anton > 23-10-2018, 12:40 AM
Quote:A Zabach, quod est sacrificare et mactare, derivatur Mizbeach, ideſt, altare; quod scilicet in eo victimae Domino maĉtarentur: & licet non solum holocausta, sed hostiae pacificae, & quæ pro peccato erant, in hoc altari Déo offerrentur, à principaliori tamen nomen accepit; unde altare holocaustorum ubique dictum est, cuius capacitas ex quadra figura, quinque cubitorum secundum longitudinem & latitudinem, concava describitur, lignorum capax, & ignis, & superpositorum holocaustorüm; altitudo vero triú cubitorum erat : igitur ad modum quadratæ arcæ, sundo & operculo carentis, superficiemque terrae pro fundo habebat. De lignis autem setim de quibus saepe dictum est, in desertis Arabiæ fuisse, nec oportet miracula multiplicare, sed intus aereis laminis incrustatum puto ; licet enim solum in textu dicatur: Et operies illud aere: undique intelligendum existimo, intus, & extra; ne igni obnoxium, consumeretur. Scio, Bedam sic scribere: Si quem movet iuxta literam, quomodo ligna altaris tanto igne vicino incombusta permanere potuerint, accipiat Beati Hieronymi de hac questione responsum: Altaris, inquit, ligna,quæ de lignis paradisi sunt, non cremantur igne vicino, sed puriora redduntur : nec mirum hoc de sanctuario, & interioris templi, et altari thymiamatis credere, cum etiam amianton, quod ligni genus, vel ligni habens similitudinem, quanto plus arserit, tanto mundius invéniatur: haćtenus Beda . Caeterum multa patres recensendo, non definiendo dixisse, qui eorum scripta curiose perlegerit, saepe inveniet.
Anton > 23-10-2018, 12:49 AM
Quote:It is indeed curious (as recently noted to me by David in private), why acacia (or be't vachellia) would be picked up by the author of Exodus as something that allegedly does not burn.
Anton > 23-10-2018, 11:34 AM
Searcher > 23-10-2018, 01:33 PM
Quote:This author refers to St. Bede, however I was not able to locate any mention of either "amianton" or "anchiton" in the modern publication of Bede that Seacher referred to. Older sources, of course, need to be consulted. Note that amianton is additionally spelled in Greek in the margin.
Searcher > 23-10-2018, 02:08 PM
Quote:Searcher suggests that "anchiton" is just a later distortion of "amianton", however I don't see it that simple. One reason why I think so is that "amianton" per se does not appear very solidI excuse for that I was not exact in expression of my thought in my post about words "anchiton" and "amianton", when I used word "incorrect". Actually my thought was not that the word "anchiton" is incorrect or distorted from the word "amianton". It would be more accurate to say "another" word, that is, Nicholas de Lyra, apparently, intentionally changed the word "amianton" to "anchiton" , although, he learned Hebrew and sought to reproduce texts as literally as he could, studying both Greek and Hebrew texts. In the same time, the Hebrew texts had the word "shettim" for this substance (wood, etc.). Why he uses the word "anchiton" and from which sources, it is not clear. Perhaps, it is just from the legend about Alexander, but, maybe, there are another texts, not available to us, which contain this word.
Quote:The textual basis was so important that he urged that errors be corrected with reference to Hebrew texts, an early glimmer of techniques of textual criticism, though Nicholas recognized the authoritative value of the Church's Tradition:P.S.
"I protest that I do not intend to assert or determine anything that has not been manifestly determined by Sacred Scripture or by the authority of the Church... Wherefore I submit all I have said or shall say to the correction of Holy Mother Church and of all learned men..." (Second Prologue to Postillae).
Nicholas utilized all sources available to him, fully mastered Hebrew and drew copiously from Rashi and other rabbinic commentaries, the Pugio Fidei of Raymond Martini and of course the commentaries of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Anton > 23-10-2018, 09:30 PM
Searcher > 23-10-2018, 09:37 PM