RE: f33r
Anton > 13-05-2019, 11:58 AM
As a quick summary, back then we discussed this plant from the perspective of papaver, and recently JKP proposed the nuphar version.
I think nuphar meets, in the first place, the problem of the leaves. If we consider that the leaves are meant to be naturalistic, then of nuphars only Nuphar sagittifolia has leaves somewhat like those. But is is a New World plant. As for Papaver, the leaves of real papaver do not look like these at all.
Next, if we consider that the leaves are meant to be purely mnemonic, then I must say the leaves do not remind me of arrowheads at all. The first impression that I had is that they strongly resemble owls. And Toxites in 16th century mentions Eulsatkraut as the name of Papaver. I wonder what would be the correct interpretation for that name - that is the question for German speakers - (and what may be the folklore connection between poppy and owl?), but for me it reads like "herb sown by an owl", since Eule is owl.
As for the heads. The heads exhibit no clear reference both for nuphar and papaver, except for their somewhat "sleepy" appearance. For papaver being related to sleep and death, that would be logical. Why two heads (JKP asks)? This may be purely decorative symmetry, or (I suppose), this may be a pair of deities such as Hypnos and Nyx.