RE: Ancient Rome Ms. from Collegio Romano
davidjackson > 21-02-2020, 09:29 PM
Amazing line drawings, but you still get that medieval 2d effect from the lack of perspective in the horizon. And of course the allegorical nature of castles on hilltops in the distance.
And most of the faces are a strange mix of detailed drawing and lack of understanding of how to draw a face. The faces of the guards in the execution scene on f3 are a weird mix of feminine features and testosterone body - which given that they are executing somebody, is very disturbing.
The people in the Roman section are all medieval contemporaries, carrying out medieval day to day tasks, but set within the ancient buildings of Rome. Were they drawn to life? A fascinating thought to think that we are looking at real life sketches of daily life in medieval Rome! I mean, look at those medieval knights jousting in the amphiteathre!
@Koen - f4, the apple sellers appear to all have distaffs, spindles and threads in their hands (no idea why, maybe keeps them busy when not selling the apples!).