RE: Herbier de Moudon (Lausanne IS 3005)
-JKP- > 10-10-2020, 11:20 PM
Folio 1r right-hand side - uses for Hyssop.
Folio 1r right-bottom - Vÿmorne, a plant name I don't recognize.
Folio 1v left hand - glagon (I don't know what that is).
Folio 1v bottom - la rene. I'm pretty sure they mean Hepatica when they write "La rene". For ear problems.
Folio 1v right-middle - La l'oine. I'm pretty sure this refers to oats, which is probably Avena sativa.
Folio 2r left-bottom - Senenent (don't know what this is).
Folio 2r right-middle - Mint (Mentha)
Folio 2v left - Orties - Nettle
Folio 2v right - Cicne (not sure, possibly chiccory??)
Folio 3r left - Scabiose (Scabious)
Folio 3r right - De Dlulz (not sure about this one, but I'm guessing it might be Dulce, Foeniculum vulgare)
Folio 3v left - Morelles (this name was used for both nightshade berries and for mushrooms, so I'm not sure which one is meant)
Folio 3v left - Celidon'e/Celidonne - Chelidonium; (farther down) Celidon'e on Senemo'de (Senemonde?)
Folio 3v right - Pourroz - pears?
Folio 4v left - Poluel - If they mean herbe aux poux, then it's Scrophularia. If they mean Poule, then it's Chenopodium.
Folio 4v left-bottom - Plantenis. Not sure, but possibly plantain (Plantago).
Folio 5 - I can't tell if names have been trimmed off and I have to run, but maybe this list is good for a start.