I see it as generic archictecture, due to the use in the rosettes in various places. As i see this section as a portolan style map, some occur in places that would not have such crenellations, such as what i see as the walls of Jericho. However i think it tells us about the people who drew it, and where they might have been located geographically and might give us a glimpse of the political leanings of that place.
The castle i see as more specific, ie the crenellations fit there, on the western border of mainland Italy, i think west of Milan, though, to represent a place closer to the current French border, as i think it is showing the way through the Alps, more like somewhere in Piedmont, or possibly Saluzzo. But it need not be a specific castle to make the connection.
I was looking for a way to show exactly what i mean in terms of the place i think it means to reference, ie the headwaters of the Po and the Durance rivers, and i came across this, which describes the entirety of the Po Valley.
A prohemie, in which discryveth he,
Pemond, and of Saluces the contree,
And speketh of Appenyn, the hilles hye,
That been the boundes of West Lumbardye,
And of Mount Vesulus in special,
Wher as the Poo out of a welle smal,
Taketh his first spryngyng and his cours
That eastward ay encresseth in his cours
To Emele-ward, to Ferare and Venyse;
The which a long thyng were to devyse.
(Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Clerk's Tale," from The Canterbury Tales)
Dante and others also mention it.
Monte Viso (aka Vesulus) also had a tunnel built through it later in the 15th century presumably to make it easier to get to the other side, which tells me people were doing that already, before it was put in place in 1479 as a way to increase trade. This tunnel has been recently reopened.
When i saw this picture, it reminded me of pointed crenellations and castles. They say it could be the inspiration for the Paramount mountain, and on a clear day it can be seen from Milan. You can almost see the raised edges of the causeway on the rosettes that leads to France.
Also, i came across the Peace of Constance of 1183, which required various cities of Italy (mostly the ones i have mentioned previously as being signified of f80v, which mainly covers the cisalpine region of Italy) to swear an oath of fealty to the Holy Roman Emperor. As i believe the olive branch on You are not allowed to view links.
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Login to view. may refer to this event, this may be the timing of the politics we are talking about, or at least a reference thereto, since until now i was thinking the Council of Constance, which is more in keeping with the carbon dating. As the Ghibellines favour the Emperor, it makes sense for there to be Ghibelline merlons on the castle.
Come to think of it, perhaps the walls of Jericho, or Jerusalem, also qualify, given that around that time Genoa and Venice were exerting their influences and in 1229 Jerusalem came into the hands of the Emperor, who began to rebuild the walls, but they were knocked back down again. It was a diverse setting, all religions were allowed, so again the Emperor over the Pope idea also fits, depending on the time period.
But there is so much back and forth between that time, other alliances, crusades and invasions occurred so that it is hard to say which exact regions were which politically and what time the information portrays. It could be copies of older documents, even much older than the timing discussed above, or a conglomeration of all of them, or only a single snippet of time more personal to the creators of the manuscript.
But i do not think we are looking for artifacts, only ideas.