This illustrated herbal was written in Veneto in 1450 ca. Digital images can be seen You are not allowed to view links.
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Login to view.. The ms was stolen in 1992 and recovered in 1995, but the thieves removed 6 folios that are now lost (documented in older black-and-white photographs).
A facsimile edition was published in 2007 (You are not allowed to view links.
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Login to view., Editors: Caterina Barbon and Roberto Benedetti, Publisher Vattori).
The essays in the 2007 book only briefly discuss the relationship between this herbal and You are not allowed to view links.
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Login to view.. A paper and a thesis by Micol Duca are mentioned: her hypothesis is that the Vermont and Udine herbals are both copies of a lost original written in Tuscany. Roberto Benedetti also points out some errors in the text of the Udine herbal that do not appear in the text of the Vermont herbal.
Comparing the illustrations, it is clear that those in the Udine herbal are more detailed and more accurately painted than those in the Vermont herbal. For instance, in Vermont img.22 “Herba Imorio Chiarissima” has two large green leaves; these leaves were color-annotated “rossa” (red). The corresponding illustration in the Udine herbal (img.56) has two large blossoms or fruits, painted red and with a “scaly” pattern that was also lost in the Vermont ms.
When comparing this herbal with the Voynich ms, a feature that seems common to both is the use of roots with only a few large “branches” which are arranged in such a way that they suggest a vaguely anthropomorphic shape. The same roots can also be observed in the Vermont herbal (sometimes obfuscated by the heavier painting).